Thursday, April 5, 2012

Well I am back from Paris, and thoroughly enjoying the 9 hour time difference. The good thing is that now I understand what people mean when they say "jet lag." Summarizing the trip is difficult because we did so much and I was overwhelmed with my first time over the ocean, but I am definitely thankful I had the opportunity to go. The trip was with fellow history majors and my favorite history professor, Dr. Scalberg. He led us all over Paris, and stopped only to grab some lunch at a market or give us a mini-lecture. We went all the way from St. Denis, to Versailles, to the Louvre, to Chateau Vienncens, to Saint-Chapelle, to musee' d'orsay, etc. It was incredible to walk in buildings constructed so many hundreds of years ago, and to see the locations of so many significant historical events. Besides the history of Paris, I enjoyed getting in on the Cafe' culture, small bookstores, French "menu" meals, beautiful nighttime walks, narrow streets, and many a baguette. We stayed in an older hotel that was seven stories tall and without elevator. Guess what story I was on? Yep, the 7th. At least I got my exercise! My roommate, Chris Rainwater, was a great guy to room with and we enjoyed reading up on the city and planning extra events. I have come away from the trip with many stories and feeling like I learned more in a week than a whole semester in a class-room, but I also realize how much more I have to learn about art, architecture, and other cultures (it was a shock to me that everyone is not like Americans).

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