Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Haven't heard? Jim & Julie (78 & 74) just made the 3600 mile trip to John's wedding this past week in their VW "Vanagon"from Maine. Pops gives us the TOP TEN things overheard on their venture.

  • "Are we there yet?"
  • "Did you remember to DVR "Jersey Shore"?"
  • "This was your idea; no, it was your idea. Jim, you know it was your idea"
  • "Wheeeee!"
  • "Oh great! the only CD we have is the scratched "Four Freshman"
  • "Are we there yet?"
  • "Yeah right, and you wanted to bring the dog"
  • "I'm bored, time to play which windshield washer is faster"
  • "Screw the count'n carb crap! I'm going for the "Double/Double"

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