Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The leaves are changing color in Portland, and it is beautiful. It makes it slightly difficult to pay attention to the road while driving when the trees look like they are on fire. But, I still have a clean driving record.

At the end of August I turned down a full time job at Albertina Kerr (where I currently work as a substitute "Psychiatric Technician"). The reason I turned it down was to pursue a probable employment opportunity at Multnomah University as a Recruitment Counselor. I submitted my application to MU and three interviews later I was politely told someone else was given the position.

Not getting the job was a big hit, shows you the power of expectations I suppose. After a couple of low days I started working hard on the job search. Now, almost two months later, I am still picking up some shifts at Kerr while looking for full-time employment (preferably not in the mental health field). The process has been hard for me and it has made me realize how many things in life have come easily for me (some would say life has been "handed to me").

Constantly God calls us to have faith in him. This has been a lesson reiterated through my job search. Psalm 62 says, "Trust in God at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." I have had to ask myself if God is really trustworthy to provide for me and if he really cares to hear about my small (but big to me) problems. And the answer has been "yes, he does."

Friends and family have encouraged me and given me leads, I have connected with contacts I had not spoken to in years, I have done a great deal of self-searching and thinking about the future, I have been drawn into the Scriptures to stand on truth and not emotion, I have improved my presentation at interviews and in cover letters, I have had others support me in prayer, and God has reminded me to trust him at ALL times (this is but a minor trial preparing me to have faith when the road gets harder).

Anyways, that is a little update from Portland. Miss you all!

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