Saturday, January 11, 2014

Jones-Murrell Wedding

My time in California this Christmas was limited. For me it was a reality of "real life" (a.k.a. not being on a school schedule with a 4-week break). However, being home reinforced the importance of family. We are incredibly blessed to have a legacy of commitment, hospitality, and warmth in the Regan family (at least this has been my 22 years of experience). Sarah and I are going to be starting our own family in June with our wedding. We hope to continue in the foundation laid before us and above all to honor God in the way we care for each other. The wedding is going to be in Salem, Oregon on June 21st (2014). Please put the date on your calendars! Much love, Josh.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Love you both! June...
Won't be here soon enough!!