Saturday, May 3, 2014

"I Wanna Be A Lifeguard When I Grow Up"

Pops gives us the TOP TEN things Andrew plans to do now that he's a lifeguard
  • Find out what that white stuff is on the nose
  • Forget about that recurring nightmare of trying to give himself CPR
  • Change email address to "floatin'stud"
  • Erase "I can't believe I'm a lifeguard " doodles from desk
  • Tons ...... and I mean tons ..... of hot babes
  • Get new wardrobe for his possible role in the new "Baywatch" movie
  • Promote his new invisible whistle
  • Teach children there's nothing you can't achieve when your smart, talented, dedicated and really, really good looking
  • Work on the line, "I know you're not drowning, but would you like mouth-to-mouth anyway?"
  • Try the McRibs (They're for a limited time only)

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