Friday, March 27, 2009


If you didn't see mom's e-mail reply to Doug's, you missed the "Fireworks". Pop's gives us the TOP TEN messages left on her answering machine that afternoon.
  • "You go girl!"
  • "Hey, I just got back in the country. Is that our cousin Casey?"
  • "T. Boone Pickens here. Neat stuff!"
  • "This is Dubya, If you need some help to get out of this, gimme a holler"
  • "Hi honey, it's Mike. Thanks for taking the heat off of me"
  • "It's your brother Joe....wanna hang out?"
  • "Rush Limbaugh here. Gimme a buzz if you want something to take the edge off"
  • "It's your neighbor - long story short - I never ever pictured you that controversial"
  • "Hey mom. I've noticed all of your recipes lately involve 1 part gin and three parts tonic. What up with that?"
  • "Is Casey a guy or a girl?"

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