Saturday, September 24, 2011

Chicago, I think I can handle this...

Enjoyed the day at the free zoo, didn't take any pictures there but saw some real cool animals. The city has been treating me great. After that, went to Millennium Park and enjoyed the nice weather.

I usually don't take pictures because I'm not a tourist anymore, but I finally pulled out my camera and took a few.

                                     I have no idea what these are but I guess they are cool????

My friend Mari from Pine Valley, who is attending Northwestern University, paid me a visit, so we enjoyed the day around the city.

   School has been going great, I am learning so much, and getting to know some awesome people. There are so many things to be involved with  here. I have been going to a youth group at a church in the suburbs and I am going to start a small band with the teens of the youth group on Wednesday nights and share with them the joys of playing music for Jesus. I work at the Latin School of Chicago, which is a really classy school for the up and coming Harvard students. It is an after-school program, and all I do is play games, legos, and make paper airplanes with 5 and 6 year olds. There is a group called Student Mission Fellowship, last week a Chinese student shared her story of coming to know Christ, and yesterday we went to China town and ate some authentic food and prayed for the nation of China and prayed for missionaries that are being persecuted there. Been doing a lot of other things too, but don't have time to tell you all everything.

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