Monday, April 14, 2014

Petey update

Being Peter's mommy has been the greatest joy (and challenge at times!). Everyday he is discovering new connections or learning new words. My favorite is "I love you, Mommy." It's so fun to have the back-and-forth communication growing now. He even sings a little bit. He repeats the end of the "Bible" song: "B-I-B-L-E, Bible! Yay!"

I'm learning to include him in everyday tasks like making things in the kitchen, like the smoothies below. He likes trying to vacuum and sweep too. We're working on willingly picking up toys. That doesn't always turn out.  

 The weather has been surprisingly wonderful in Portland recently and so we're getting lots of outdoor time. Peter loves going on to walks to nearby parks and interacting with the other children there. He's already flirting with the girls.

Petey continues to love books and reading. Some of our favorite are "The Little Engine that Could", "Dr. Suess' ABCs", "Horton Hears a Who", and "Mr. Brown Can Moo". I love snuggling up with him before his nap time to read a book. Nathan taught him to repeat the alphabet after us. And while he can't say, "one", he'll say "two, three, four, go!". 

He's still to young to really understand I think, but we read him the Bible and pray with him. He saw some characters in one of his book praying with their eyes closed and hands together and now he loves doing it. Whenever I catch him doing it I try to say something like, "Let's pray to Jesus!" and copy his action and say a short prayer. He always grins or laughs when we get to "Amen!". 

And this kid loves food. One of my favorite thing he says right now is "cereals". He can be picky at times and there's certainly things he doesn't like, but if you give him a sweet potato, any kind of fruit, spaghetti, or cheese, he'll gobble it right up. 

So thankful for the blessing of our son. Hope you all realize the blessings you have in family!


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