Monday, November 23, 2009


Jill and Maggie are spending Thanksgiving week in New York city. Pops gives us the TOP TEN things overheard their first day.

  • "Mags, who's that little boy waving at us? Oh, it's Mayor Bllomberg"
  • "These traffic lights seem to be just for decoration"
  • "If I don't get a corned beef on rye, I'm gonna plotz"
  • "This must be the world's largest art musuem, oh wait, it's the subway
  • "Hey, "The History Of The Sewer Rat' walk-trough tour is free"
  • "The cab driver must be disoriented, he's driving on the curb"
  • "How do you eat this street vendor hot dog?"
  • "Jill, yelling at the cab driver in english is a waste of time"
  • "Mags, this doesn't smell like chili"
  • "Do you think we'll see Zac Effron?"

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