Sunday, August 24, 2008


TOP TEN things I, Jeanette, have learned after forty five years of marriage

  • Never ever ever start a movie after 7 o'clock
  • Smile and nod politely and dad thinks I'm listening to his golf stories
  • Think twice about getting a "Jude Law" tattoo on your rear
  • It's hard having a husband that looks older than you
  • In a pinch, vanilla extract will give you a good buzz
  • Pops is the "real deal"
  • Celebrate little anniversaries, like the times Mike lets me operate the remote control
  • Every few months let him win a game of "Scattergories"
  • Number 4 in the "Top Ten" list is never funny
  • Draw up a household budget of, say, 15k and stick to it

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