Saturday, April 18, 2009


Maybe you didn't realize it, but today is Carol's birthday. TOP TEN signs I, Carol, am getting old
  • "Pharmacist has become my best friend"
  • "It takes a couple of tries for me to get over those Leisure World speed bumps"
  • "I actually thought Carson's idea of sod on the brick patio was a good one"
  • "My back goes out more than I do"
  • "I look forward to a dull evening"
  • "Those daytime game shows......I'm recording them"
  • "Carson keeps telling me I'm beginning every other sentence with, "now days....""
  • "Getting lucky means I found my car in the parking lot"
  • "Barb will call at 8 pm and ask, "did I wake you?""
  • "Didn't I just read the number one?"

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